
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Announcing Kind of a Hurricane Press's First Annual Poetry Contest!


First Place Winner gets $200 (US)  Payable via PayPal

for more details check out the Kind of a Hurricane Press Editor's Choice Poetry Award Site:

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Poem by Perry L. Powell

Our Collections
We started our collections with the
impasse and set our endowment in
sour satin.  We mounted the byte chariot into
moonlight and let the dead worm fatten.
We praised the lump in the bend of the
neck and tied a corset round the coral
jury.  We let the panorama fall strangely
silent and the square vent its fury.
When the syllable magnetized the encoded
caravan, not a gap refracted its darkening
value.  But the pedestal equipped in taller
increments as all the panpipes went askew.
While the tropical family stood nonplussed in
rain, not a dining frog withdrew a quiet
slap.  As the overflow and metric
garment dropped to a rambunctious lap. 
Perry L. Powell is a systems analyst who lives and writes in College Park, Georgia. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in A Handful of Stones, A Hundred Gourds, Decades Review, Haiku Presence, Indigo Rising, Lucid Rhythms, miller’s pond, Mobius The Journal of Social Change, Poetry Pacific, Prune Juice, Quantum Poetry Magazine, Ribbons, small stones, The Camel Saloon, The Credo, The Foliate Oak, The Heron's Nest, The Innisfree Poetry Journal, The Lyric, and Turtle Island Quarterly.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Poem by Marianne Szlyk

Catalogue Poem (Anthropologie, May 2012)

Convivial Midi
Between Lines Maxi
Mythography Mini
Sunny Repose (black)
Paradox Dress
(gray and white polyester, $210)
Leaps and Bounds Cardigan, Dark Grey
Sanguine Slingback Heels
A single bud adorns Sacha London’s
sky-high peep-toe shoes
with great aplomb.
Marianne Szlyk is an associate professor at Montgomery College Rockville and an associate editor of the Potomac Review.  Several poems of hers have appeared in Jellyfish Whispers.  Other poems of hers have appeared in Of Sun and Sand and Blue Hour Anthology Volume Two.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Two Poems by John Pursch

Lopped Itches

Aftosa fuses onto postal tongues
in grazed luddite metronomes, 
proffering worm ornery down 
urgent alley mosquito hires, 
cruft hinging oafs to sticky 
crow quips, furled incisively.
“Cram estimable fester sheiks 
what felt editorial shape knacks, 
swarthy love astute unfounded milt aware,” 
Penelope grain hoof et tweeze tine bagel 
imitation sawdust comportment squabble.
“Yeast, hit’s whiling bullish 
spouts of raisin droop, 
licking floors of oars 
in sunken sequins, 
thwacking bauble tour phlegm!” 
Bunky chastely rasps, knotty 
Venn timing migraine dams 
when enemy hens connive 
toucan a vernal situation 
pomade for three, frowsy 
inter alia waddling, 
emitting lopped itches.
Aching Aloud

Heed the titrated otter’s watery tribunal eyes before hive mentality erases the alligators from alluvial mentions of gumption and latitudinal anguish, pressed to varicose booties for playtime deities on nameless skeet coroner sheets of grassy carousels, driven to dribbling by hoarse beatitudes. 
Splotches crocheted by gaudy iguanas in seething behest establish additional plumber humps from falling trouser commissary heaters, swearing haughty cisterns of huffy efflorescent teapot feet, scorching tabled integument with surreptitiously placated camshaft bricks, eating audibly. 
Proxies intimidate cloaked events from aching aloud, shaving blurred cemeteries at drowning pole slides, kindling idiomatic synchrony for ossified seduction’s glacine semester bonk. 
Creaming stoned toenails with femoral lipstick gaggles, punchy slugs elaborate on dappled lancer steeplechase gloom, exposing polio olio in prawn retinue beach laments, soothing musty overboard tire irons before inducted tactile tallies can limp to brunch. 
Moody blarings repeal salary haddock in pendant billows below orchestral gymnastic sleet, healing causal shamrocks on eiderdown elastic pleasure suits, munched and rosy. 
John Pursch lives in Tucson, Arizona. His poetry and fiction has appeared in many literary journals. His most recent book, Intunesia, is available in paperback from White Sky Books at . He's @johnpursch on Twitter and john.pursch on Facebook.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Poem by Mike Cluff

Border Crossings

Cakewalking across the Ohio
dividing safe from death
every winter storm gets worse
fragments of nature's anger
grinding and pushing down the
hope that bubbles up
in any immigrant's soul
justice for none of color
kelp would never survive this far north
lynchings do
many, too many times over.

Nips, neverstopping, of arctic cold
overwhelm those who are weak
putting them under bloody ice floes
quickly, without qualms
remorse is a quality some people
seldom display to those who are not
their own
unless utility is rationalized via
viscious impluses burbling up
without compassion with
xylophones producing cacaphonies
yammering  "repression, drawing and quartering, tar and feathering" upward to the
zenith of haughty, horrible hate
always growing, mutating
beatitudes of the master's, master race's religions.

Mike Cluff is a writer living in the inland section of Southern California. He is now finishing two books of poetry: "The Initial Napoleon" and "Bulleted Meat"-- both of which are scheduled for publication in late 2013/early 2014. He believes that individuality is the touchstone of his life and pursues that ideal with passion and dedication to help the world improve with each passing instance .He also hopes to take up abstract painting in the next several months.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Two Poems by Christina Murphy

Summer Reflections
A particular boardwalk painted blue
challenges the sky for supremacy
afternoon suns heat the sands
and carry the sounds of children
splashing in the water
as small waves break
over a tan shore mottled
with bits of sea shells.
Time here hangs devoid
of impact or purpose
sunbathers are statues
in a gallery of sea life
there is no need to remember
and much desire to escape
the life that is marked by
mundane tasks and full necessities
the sun will keep all secrets
and only whisper to the stars
that nothing escapes the ordinary
orbits of space and time
not the heart, not the mind,
not even the sun, the sea, or the planets
held steady in the embrace of the universe
and the tempestuous calls of the infinite
floating rooms
floating rooms of clouds
work of the snows; 
light slowly muted  
a flock of spirits
in a blizzard of darkness 
indistinguishable from prophecy
Christina Murphy’s poems have appeared in a range of journals and anthologies, including, most recently, Cease, Cows, Chicago Literati, and Dr. Hurley's Snake-Oil Cure.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Poem by Mike Cluff

Alpha Order

Jokes caused panic
killing the nectarines and
lilies lying between
Millicent and Nestor
neutered by his lack
of advancement,
progress towards their
quotient of castigation.

Radishes growth in lieu of the ratcheted
stench of atrophy
true and being tried
unendingly betwixt Omar and Pauline,
vases are then visited by vultures
waiting and wanting their liquid
yearly revitalized by decaying
zebras, broken, unstrung zithers and
asters fetid in
backyards covered with clover and

Evangaline become both Millicent and Pauline's new names
future lives to be admonished
slyly under the edict used at
hallucinations and hootenannies
indeed by ill-timed gestures,
jesters and jokesters.

Mike Cluff is a writer living in the inland section of Southern California. He is now finishing two books of poetry: "The Initial Napoleon" and "Bulleted Meat"-- both of which are scheduled for publication in late 2013/early 2014. He believes that individuality is the touchstone of his life and pursues that ideal with passion and dedication to help the world improve with each passing instance .He also hopes to take up abstract painting in the next several months.